1. no replication questions
2. your network has 3 subnets but wants to add 2 more subnets in the future, also each subnets require 25 hosts. What is the subnet mask?
c/ *****
3. the route TCP/IP Scenario question.
Proposed solution:
... enable IP FORWARDING
... Installing DHCP RELAY AGENT for wins servers.
... Install WINS Servers
THerefore, only met the requirement
4. How to determine the host ids?
ANS: one router interface and one for each host's NIC
5. Has 2 IP addresses and wants to put in all the machine?
ANS: Install one NIC for that 2 IP addresses.
6. What DNS Server to use when it needs to supports to load balancing of primary server?
ANS: Secondary Server
7. Constant ARP broadcast requests, the answer has to be INCORRECT SUBNET MASK
8. the Drag and Drop question where one subnet doesn't have WINS server and they need to broadcast to a different subnet.
ANS: Place the WIn Proxy to the subnet has no WIns Server
ANd Place the DHCP Relay Agent to the other one.
9. Setup RAS to WIN 95 to access Internet. ANs: Must specify the default address on RAS Server of the internal local network.
10. Set to configure SNMP trap destination===>>> Need the community name and the IP address of the computer running SNMP Manager COnsole
11. U Would like every WINDows-based computer to be able to browse the entire the network.
ANS: Add and entry for PDC of each remote domain and an entry for each domain controller in local domains
12. Wants to install UnIx computer to WIN database, wat type of entry?
ANS: Unique
13. 2 WINS servers on 2 different subnets , they can't connect to each other using UNC
ANS: Install to replicate themselves
14. UNIx server and require authentication
ANS: Install PWS, create a ftproot directory, and disable anonymous logins
15. a lot of questions are dealing with NEtwork monitor and Perfomance Monitor
16. 1 is on wat u need to install for UNIx client to print== INstall TCP/IP Printing SErvice
17. Definition of TTL
18. COuld ping the local network but not remote==> incorrect default gateway
Good luck to all of u and ofcourse myself on my next and last test to achieve MCSE and MCP+I . I'm heading for IIS 4.0