25) Which statement is true of WinSock (下面对Wi n S o c k的哪一句陈述是正确的)?
A. It is a MAC application
B. It represents a graphical user interface
C. It represents a network layer
D. It provides the means for sharing an Internet connection between multiple IP protocol suite utilities
26) Which statement is true of TLI (下面关于T L I的哪一句陈述是正确的)?
A. It is a layer in the OSI model
B. It is a layer in the TCP/IP model
C. It is a System V API
D. It is part of the UNIX Kernel
27) Which statement is true of Windows Name Server (WINS) (下面对于Windows 命名服务器( W I N S )的陈述中,哪一句是正确的)?
A. It is a protocol
B. It provides capability for name resolution
C. It is a network layer
D. It is a proprietary name server
E. A, B, and D only
F. B and D only
28) ICMP、I P、ARP and RARP of the IP protocol suite map to (IP协议套件的I C M P、I P、A R P和R A R P映射到):
A. OSI layers 1 and 2 B. OSI layer 5
C. OSI layer 3 D. OSI layer 2